There is a ton of spatial data on the City of Toronto Open Data Portal. Spatial resources are retrieved the same way as all other resources, by using get_resource(), and may require the sf package.

We can look at the locations of EarlyON Child and Family Centres in Toronto. As the portal describes, these centres offer free programs to caregivers and children, providing programs to strengthen relationships, support education, and foster healthy child development. The result of pulling this data in through the package is an sf object with WGS84 projection.


earlyon_centres <- search_packages("EarlyON Child and Family Centres") %>%
  list_package_resources() %>%

#> Simple feature collection with 262 features and 7 fields
#> geometry type:  POINT
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: -79.5969 ymin: 43.59557 xmax: -79.14029 ymax: 43.82965
#> geographic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 262 x 8
#>    `_id` loc_id program  agency  address  phone rundate                 geometry
#>    <int>  <int> <chr>    <chr>   <chr>    <chr> <chr>                <POINT [°]>
#>  1  2621   6197 Alexand… Alexan… 105 Gra… 4166… 22JAN21     (-79.39888 43.65154)
#>  2  2622   6199 Applegr… Appleg… 60 Wood… 4164… 22JAN21     (-79.32191 43.66604)
#>  3  2623   6200 Applegr… Appleg… 31 East… 4164… 22JAN21     (-79.31814 43.67293)
#>  4  2624   6202 Birchmo… Birchm… 93 Birc… 4163… 22JAN21     (-79.26311 43.69563)
#>  5  2625   6209 St. Hel… Colleg… 66 Sher… 4168… 22JAN21     (-79.43344 43.64734)
#>  6  2626   6217 Kimbour… East E… 200 Wol… 4164… 22JAN21     (-79.32252 43.68569)
#>  7  2627   6218 Terry F… East E… 2 Gledh… 4164… 22JAN21     (-79.30929 43.68755)
#>  8  2628   6235 Eastvie… East T… 86 Blak… 4163… 22JAN21     (-79.33993 43.67503)
#>  9  2629   6238 Lakesho… Lakesh… 185 Fif… 4162… 22JAN21     (-79.50343 43.60356)
#> 10  2630   6242 The Chi… The To… 826 Blo… 4165… 22JAN21     (-79.42301 43.66268)
#> # … with 252 more rows

If we want to plot this data on a map of Toronto, data to map the different neighbourhoods of Toronto is also available from the portal:

neighbourhoods <- list_package_resources("") %>%

neighbourhoods[c("AREA_NAME", "geometry")]
#> Simple feature collection with 140 features and 1 field
#> geometry type:  POLYGON
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: -79.63926 ymin: 43.581 xmax: -79.11527 ymax: 43.85546
#> geographic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 140 x 2
#>    AREA_NAME                                                            geometry
#>    <chr>                                                           <POLYGON [°]>
#>  1 Casa Loma (96)          ((-79.41469 43.67391, -79.41485 43.67434, -79.41553 …
#>  2 Annex (95)              ((-79.39414 43.66872, -79.39588 43.66833, -79.39738 …
#>  3 Caledonia-Fairbank (10… ((-79.46021 43.68156, -79.46044 43.6819, -79.46075 4…
#>  4 Woodbine Corridor (64)  ((-79.31485 43.66674, -79.3166 43.66636, -79.31692 4…
#>  5 Lawrence Park South (1… ((-79.41096 43.70408, -79.41165 43.70394, -79.41208 …
#>  6 Milliken (130)          ((-79.24308 43.81297, -79.24433 43.81271, -79.24514 …
#>  7 Henry Farm (53)         ((-79.35966 43.76649, -79.35966 43.76655, -79.35967 …
#>  8 Downsview-Roding-CFB (… ((-79.50783 43.71776, -79.50854 43.71767, -79.51265 …
#>  9 Kingsview Village-The … ((-79.55236 43.70947, -79.55229 43.7095, -79.55219 4…
#> 10 Kennedy Park (124)      ((-79.24549 43.7306, -79.24555 43.73055, -79.24563 4…
#> # … with 130 more rows

Then, we can plot the EarlyON centres along with a map of Toronto:


ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = neighbourhoods) +
  geom_sf(data = earlyon_centres) +

We may also wish to do something like analyze how many EarlyON centres there are in each neighbourhood. We can count by neighbourhood, using the sf package to join the two datasets, then dplyr to summarise, and finally ggiraph to create an interactive visualization, replacing geom_sf with geom_sf_interactive and supplying a tooltip:


earlyon_by_neighbourhood <- neighbourhoods %>%
  st_join(earlyon_centres) %>%
  group_by(neighbourhood = AREA_NAME) %>%
  summarise(n_earlyon = n_distinct(program, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(tooltip = glue(("{neighbourhood}: {n_earlyon}")))

p <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf_interactive(data = earlyon_by_neighbourhood, aes(fill = n_earlyon, tooltip = tooltip)) +

girafe(code = print(p))