List packages available on the portal.

list_packages(limit = 50)



The maximum number of packages to return. The default is 50.


A tibble of available packages and metadata, including title, id, topics, civic_issues, excerpt, publisher, dataset_category, num_resources (the number of resources in the package), formats (the different formats of the resources), refresh_rate (how often the package is refreshed), and last_refreshed (the date it was last refreshed).


# \donttest{ list_packages(5)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 11 #> title id topics civic_issues publisher excerpt dataset_category #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 Cata… 473d… City … NA Informat… Histor… Table #> 2 Lobb… 6a87… City … NA Lobbyist… The Lo… Document #> 3 Addr… abed… Locat… Mobility Informat… This d… Document #> 4 Prop… 1aca… Locat… Mobility Informat… This d… Document #> 5 Buil… 108c… Devel… Affordable … Toronto … Provid… Document #> # … with 4 more variables: num_resources <int>, formats <chr>, #> # refresh_rate <chr>, last_refreshed <date>
# }