List resources for a package on the portal.




A way to identify the package. Either a package ID (passed as a character vector directly), a single package resulting from list_packages or search_packages, or the package's URL from the portal.


A tibble of resources along with metadata, including name, id, format (the format of the resource file), and last_modified (the date the resource was last modified).


# \donttest{ list_package_resources("1db34737-ffad-489d-a590-9171d500d453")
#> # A tibble: 1 x 4 #> name id format last_modified #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> #> 1 Transit shelter data b9214fd7-60d1-45f3-8463-a6bd9828f8bf GeoJS… 2021-01-23
#> # A tibble: 45 x 4 #> name id format last_modified #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> #> 1 ttc-subway-delay-codes fece136b-224a-412a-b191-8d… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 2 ttc-subway-delay-jan-2014-a… 6664420f-316f-4f94-9ba4-d4… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 3 ttc-subway-delay-may-2017 d1159888-0035-45a0-b238-86… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 4 ttc-subway-delay-june-2017 240d8e8c-d300-4f91-b94f-cb… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 5 ttc-subway-delay-july-2017 98d4ac77-aa9f-40a3-97ee-6f… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 6 ttc-subway-delay-august-2017 92e7649a-cf2f-4ac7-9802-b7… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 7 ttc-subway-delay-september-… 61412f10-656b-4992-9a1a-a1… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 8 ttc-subway-delay-october-20… 69a6db37-7982-49c7-8dbc-56… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 9 ttc-subway-delay-november-2… 10080217-8022-41c0-a8ba-2a… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> 10 ttc-subway-delay-december-2… a731c4bb-630a-4530-b590-b3… XLSX 2019-08-15 #> # … with 35 more rows
# }